
How to wear a Boyfriend shirt?

by stephanie

The boyfriend shirt is today a classic and timeless basic of every minimalistic wardrobe. Jane Birkin was wearing it to perfection in the 1970s. What we love in this iconic style? This effortless chic look and even somewhat nonchalant appearance.

This shirt we steal from our men’s wardrobe to fit perfectly with a jeans has become an iconic model. In order to make it even more comfortable, we decided to make it with 100% linen, to give the shirt a perfect loose effect but also to ensure an incredible comfort and softness.

Casual chic
For the casual chic style, choose a jeans or a high waisted pant. With the shirt volume, it’s better to highlight the waist.

For an office outfit, choose a high waisted knee-lenght skirt. Make the shirt fluff a little bit and you will rock at your next meeting.

With jean shorts, at the beach or to go shopping.

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